I have had a tumultuous relationship thus far with Glitter Gal's Light as a Feather polish.

After two failed attempts to use it the other day (results were no bueno), I decided to give it another go today. I started with Seche Vite top coat (I've heard that this makes a good Aqua Base substitute) and then did three coats, waiting around five minutes or more between coats.

It's better! But I have lots of bubbles. :( Bubbles are unacceptable, Nation. I cannot live with bubbles. Oh, and the picture above is my favorite.

I've since added a coat of Gelous over top, at the advice of the awesome women of MUA (Nail Board, of course). This seems to have helped a tiny bit, and thankfully, does not appear to have dulled the holo whatsoever.

The picture below is included to show you the truth of the bubble situation. It is not for the faint of heart. Look away if you must!!

I'm thinking that I may need to put some China Glaze Shooting Stars over it all.
Update! I have since added KleanColor My Valentine. See what you think.

I actually really like how it turned out!

I know it takes away from the subtleness of the holo, but I just couldn't live with the bumpiness.

And I love the colors of the glitters together. :)

You can still see the holo peeking through a little.

What do you think? Will you forgive me for my glittery sins?
EDIT: Afterthoughts. This mani hardly made it past the 12 hour mark! I'm wondering if it's the SV as a base coat that is to blame. It just peeled off in sheets, like plastic stickers. :( Oh well! You win some, YOU LOSE SOME.