In case you've been living under a rock, I am posting pictures of Zoya Charla for you. I don't think I know of anyone that does not instantly love this polish (and no, I am not daring you to tell me that you don't like it!).

I did three coats. It's mesmerizing.

I don't have much to say about it. The pictures do the talking!

I added some nail stamping using my Bundle Monster plate 21 and Orly Luxe.

Luxe is a little chunky for stamping, but it kinda went with Charla's whole insane shimmah thing.

I thought it was really cute!

Next time I might use a China Glaze Khrome, like 2030, for a more crisp stamp.

6 dizzy comments:
Charla is sitting on my counter top because it is the next pick up after my current mani color club factory girl with maybelline fairy pretty gets chips and tip wear. I have read that it is the best of both worlds glittery sparkly fun without tedious sparkle removal. That sounds as awesome as the color looks :)
That is one stunning polish. Too bad Zoya and I don't get along.
Get yourself to the doctor so you can get on antibiotics girly! My cough is hardly existent at all now.
Jessica, thank you for the concern and advice! Oh my, I went to the doctor a little over a week ago. He gave me a Z Pack (antibiotics) and cough syrup with Codeine. I took my Z Pack for five days, as you are supposed to, and honestly didn't notice any change with it. I'm still taking the Codeine cough syrup (mostly just before I go to bed) and it's nasty stuff! Glug it tastes like toxic waste and makes me feel nauseous. It seems to maybe help a teeny bit with the cough. :/ I think I must have some nasty virus...or something. Hubby says I just still have junk in my lungs - well, no joke! lol When will it end? :)
Your post (and pics) made me feel the urge to place an order...Charla (and Mimi and Ivanka) are in my wishlist since the collection went out...
Hope your cough will end soon!
Lauren, OT but Z packs rarely do me any good and it's my doctor's favorite thing to prescribe. Hope you feel better soon.
Your pics of Charla are STUNNING!
Thanks, Nicole!
Hmm, that's good to know about the Z Pack. :/ At least it didn't cause a secondary infection, like some annoying antibiotics do! Always looking on the bright side.
I think....I hope...I sort of feel like maybe today my cough is a bit better! When I woke up this morning I didn't have to hack like a maniac immediately - which is huge progress! I enjoyed a whole five minutes of peace before my first cough. :D
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