What a crazy, long, hard week! I'm glad it's over. I've been wanting to post for a long time, so I'm happy to finally be doing it. :)
This was two coats of Finger Paints Amethyst Atelier with one coat of Sally Hansen HD DVD.
I love the purple to blue shift on DVD!

Here is Nfu-Oh 569. I did three coats. It was slightly annoying in application, but completely worth it and non-problematic in the end (if that makes any sense)!
Yummy, awesome almost black, luscious green jelly!
And here is Lippmann Lady Sings the Blues. I did two sort of thick coats.
I put it over Essence Pool Party (one coat, I think), which was completely unnecessary!! I had no idea it would be so opaque on its own.
I think the pictures really turned out terrific. It reminds me of blue jeans, but in a sexy, edgy, chunky-glitter-interpretation kind of way!
Kind of like blue jeans and asphalt?! Yeah. Love it.
Now for some more chunky blue glitter fabulousness, Lippmann Across the Universe!

Love, love, love this one, too, and adore the photos. :)

I also did two thick-ish coats of this one.

It didn't wear too well on me and was chippy by the end of the first day. I freaking loved it so much that I applied it again, as a repeat, and wore for another day or so after, in a row!

Across the Universe is the first ever color I've loved so much that I wore twice straight in a row. I also completely forgive it for not wearing well, because it's so freaking gorgeous and makes me really happy when I have it on. Next time I wear it I think I will try it over something similar. Maybe it will hold on better that way!